Tuesday, March 8, 2011

what's new:)

It's been a long time since I wrote anything here. Time to catch up, especially that the weather outside makes me smile so much that I need to share first traces of the spring in Denmark. Have a look and enjoy with me:

It's amazing what influence weather has on our mood. Since few days, sun is shining very often. Suprising? Oh yes, especially in Denmark. I was rather used to constant rain here. And right now, if it was not cold I wouldn't leave my garden, I guess.:)

Another reason to smile? International Women's Day! Yes that's today:) Even though here, it is not celebrated to the same extent as in Poland, since I woke up and turned on my computer I really feel delighted.  So many of my friends posted greetings and beautiful postcards. I know it is only virtual, but still very nice, still shows that people remember about this holiday. 

That inclines me to touch the subject of Facebook. I remember when my friend send me a link to the very critical artical about Facebook. It said, to what extent it changed the mode of our communication. According to the author, before we were forced to have more contact in real life. When we wanted to talk to somebody, we had to call or visit that person. Right now we write on the wall, send message, we limit ourself to the screen of the computer. I partially agree. 

I have noticed that sometimes I also spend too much time on Facebook. Few times I was even wondering if I shouldn't delete my account so I spend this time in more constructive way. But I know I won't do it. For me Facebook has far more advantages than disadvantages. I am sure that I would lose contact with many people. Obviously not with my close friends. However i am sure I wouldn't be so updated with what happens in their life. 

Thanks to Facebook I also I regained contact with many of my colleagues. We are not constantly in touch, but  it is realy nice to keep contact with them, even though it is just from time to time.

Another thing, I wouldn't dare to say, that Facebook made me limited to online communication. Really often I use it to set up meetings in real life and it cost nothing, in contrast to mibole phones.

What about privacy issues? People might know too much about us? True, tha's why I don't have public profile. I don't give everybody access to all information about me.

I understand that some people might not need Facebook. That's fine, everybody can choose. However I am sure, that right now I find it really useful and I am not going to resign from this online social community;)

Anyway, in days like today, when I received many wishes through Facebook, I appreciate this tool even more;) 

P.S. Special greetings for my amazing friend:* Ewelinko enjoy the day!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blueberry nights


It's been a long time, I planned to see this movie. I made a first attempt with my friend, but it turned out that it is not a  kind of movie you can watch while talking and laughing most of the time. Even though it isn't action movie, it really needs attention, not to miss any of the profound thoughts and observation... So now when I am sick, the opportunity to focus my attention came.

Watching Elizabeth working in bars, cassino, it reminded me times when I used to help my friend in a bar. It is so true that you meet so many people, listen to their stories. You participate in their lifes. It is not that they just come for a drink or to chat with friends. So often they come alone, spend hours in a bar. They need to talk. They usually need somebody who can listen. Do they feel lonely? Probably many of them yes. It is like a part of your job to give them opportunity to talk. Not always it i easy. Sometimes they get too drunk. Sometimes they become rude, agressive. Hovewer I really liked this job. It was actually one of the moments that made me realized that I need a job where I have contact with other people. Of course I wouldn't lke to spend my whole life working in a bar or restaurant. For some reason I do my studies. However it is still one of my dreams to open my own caffee one day  on the side of my regular job:)

"Recently I have been learning not to trust other people. All in vain." It is soooo true. I coudn't agree more. I am sure that most of people could say the same. So often we give too big credit of trust to others. Suddenly disappointment happens and what we think?  Of course "Never again the same mistake!" But in fact, we can't live without other people. We need each other, we need close relationships so we have to open ourselves and take the risk that in fact we might be hurt... Anyway, even though it sounds as paradox, after being hurt we become somehow stronger. We learn something and maybe we will suffer again, but probably it won't harmful to the same extent....

And just to conclude: "People are our mirrors. After each reflection we like ourselves even more."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winter is back:)

So to my surprise winter came back to Denmark:) I feel like a child every time I see snow around me... And luckily it is different type of snow than in Rennes:) Here, at least it stays on the ground for some time. A bit like in Poland? :)

Few years ago I would think it is crazy to ride a bike in the middle of winter when everything is covered with "white duvet". But now I love it! And I love this type of cold days... Then I stay in the appartment, sit comfortably under the blanket, drink warm tea,  listen to chilling music and just enjoy this time.

Let's have a look through my window:

My balcoon and very "inviting" chair:) Just sit and enjoy!:)

And at least one element that brings back memories of spring in the middle of winter:

Flower on the window:) Now I really feel like at home:)
For the end of this post,  some music that perfectly fits for cold winter evenings:


Friday, February 4, 2011

Starting next chapter...

Time flies like crazy. I have a feeling as if I have just arrived home before Christmas after two stressful days and nighs at the airport. I already got used to being a home and... time for new adventure. Denmark for the fourth time!

This country has something that keeps me coming back again and again:) As usually I took the bus to come here. 30 hours! Sounds crazy and imppossible to go through? Probably it is just a matter of getting used to. I dare to say that I like it... :) And it is not only because of practical reasons like taking bigger bags (by the way, journey after the journey I am trying to be more minimalistic, I learnt how to make proper selection, but still in the end I am surpirised howcome my bags are so heavy?!). It is also because when I have so many hours, I can slowly get used to changing views, cities, countries. It is not that rapid as with the plane when I take off and after 1,5 hours I am suddenly here. I prefer slowly when I am getting tired, falling asleep and this way preparing myself for something new.:)

And what's more, on the way I always either meet interesting people or discover nice places. This time, both of the options happened:) I met a vey nice girl travelling to Germany. I like this kind of meetng,  even though I know that I will never again see the person, but still it is interesting and always brings something fresh ;)

And about the place.: we stopped in the seriously amazing restaurant in Poland. Below I put some photos to proof "this amazing opinion":

How I felt about this place? Absolutely not willing to leave! So cosy, warm, charming and with the soul! Absolutely wonderful!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Close to my heart...

This time I started with photos:) Any ideas where they could have been taken? Nature in all of them...Can't be a city? Indeed it is! That is Supraśl, the small city in the north-east Poland. Of course there are many worth-seeing buildings always presented on postcards. However when I think how Supraśl looks like, it is the nature that immediately comes to my mind. I love that it is soooooo REAL:) It isn't organized, planned, it is just natural. Intensive colours during spring and summer, sooooo blue sky and sooooo blue grass...This is what I remember from long walks with my very good friend:)

And obviously my friend is the most important reason why this place is so close to my heart! It's well-known truth that places are not just about how they look like but mainly about the people who are there:) And she's been always in love with this city. It's like her magic world which I also fell in love with:) I always feel sentiment bringing back pictures of all the nature that can calm you during long walks...

I also feel sentiment when I think about her room... Drinking the most delicious tea in the world, eating cake and having long coversations about everything and never feeling like going home:) I wish I could show the pictures of her room... That's the unusual, charming and warm place as well! Just entering for the first time, you could see that the person who lives there must be very special, interesting and with really good taste! This place perfectly reflects her personality and has its soul... Great soul :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The boy in the striped pyjamas

Definitely hard movie... I needed few attepts to finish, especially before the final scene...  Definitely it is really good, story told in a perfect way, actors performing at high level, very convincing. Watching I could really feel the whole situations. I could really believe the story... Probably that's the reason I needed few breaks.

Such movies can pefectly give a picture of the history from the human point of view. The friendship between little German and Jew. "We are not supposed to be friends. We are supposed to be enemies." Bruno cannot understand this. Why? What is the reason? He feels incredibly guilty, when he denied being litlle Jew's friend. He cries and tries to meet him again and play as they did before. He wants to apologize and still be friend. He is a good boy who wants to explore the world. Things that he observes, hears... they make him undermine the authority of his father. Should he be proud of him? Is he really a good man? So many questions in his head which will be never answered...

And the wife of the soldier who was promoted... How is it possible that for such a long time she didn't know what he really does? How is it possible that for such a long time she was proud of him? Happy wife? Life of lies? Probably these are the questions she ask herself when she finds out the truth... What does she feel to him then? In the movie she didn't put her feelings into words, but the way she behaves, acts toward him suggest that must be disgust, hatred. What does she do when little Bruno died? It wasn't showed in the movie... but it seems quite obvious...

Very sad story... However it's definitely worth seeing...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I wrote about many things and I forgot about the most important! How could I miss my HOMECITY for four months?!!!

Time for RENNES of course :) The city is very, nice. It is not big, but with a lot of charm, really cosy and friendly. I remember my first days when I was walking with map in hand, looking for some places, asking people and trying not to get lost. I smile when I think about this. Right now I could walk with closed eyes:). Just four months but so many memories connected with so many places...

My school- Ecole Superieure de Commerce 
Still my school, but inside- the main street :)


This is quite characteristic design in Rennes.

One of many street that I loved walking through...

And another street :)